How To Get A Career In The Games Industry
Video Game Career It is not easy to get a career in the video games industry. But if you have the right tools and skills, it can be done. Many people would say it is the best job globally, and they might not be wrong! Do you have what it […]
Gaming Does Require Energy, So Let’s Do Our Bit To Help.
How to Review The Energy You Use In Your Home (and Maybe Produce Your Own) Most of us will admit that the utility bills we pay are among the most expensive monthly bills. Not only do they hurt the pocket, but there is a lot of wasted power, especially with […]
Want your game to reach superstar status? The Ultimate Kit List
Useful Software If You Want TO Develop Games There are hundreds of amazing packages out there, so rather than trying to list them all I have covered the packages I use regularly. As with many other indie developers, I favour lower cost/free options. The good news is that […]
Indie Dev Tools and Resources
Tools and resources that are a big help for promoting indie games, and assisting with the day-to-day development process: Screenshot Saturday Screenshot Saturday is a great way to get screenshots of your game out there throughout the development phase. You just tweet a screenshot with the #screenshotsaturday hashtag and it […]
How to Combat Indoor Toxins and Have A Happy Gaming Space!
Having a happy, safe gaming space is so important. It can affect our mental well-being as well as our physical. The idea that there could be hidden nasties in our home, toxins that could make us ill, can be a big worry. Often, they are present but don’t cause any […]